Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why do people hate wind energy so much?

Public perception to any new product is very important to shape people reaction to that product. Wind power was one of the subjects that bring lots of discussions and arguments to the public. As we know wind turbines are local issues and people have not experience them before so when wind farms started to develop in some areas the residence are affected by other peoples who doesn’t have any knowledge of wind power in action and other resources such as public media.

Some surveys exposed that 85% of the community support the use of general renewable energy and 80% are support of the use of wind power and even 70% would be have a problem to live within 5 miles of a wind power farms. Although it proves that the majority of the public report about wind turbines is positive considering the negative view of the wind power is necessarily.

There are couple reasons that people disgust the wind power. First people think wind turbines are not natural looking. This seems to come from the people who believe nature should be perfect and not spoiled by signs of human activity. Second people think wind turbines are not truly very effective and they are more a public relations trick. This is usually come from engineers who have done the numbers critical in the field. In fact those engineers are not disagreed with the wind generation as much as they are disappointed of the public reaction to the wind power. They try to argue that wind power will not solve all energy problems in the world. The third is wind turbines kill more birds than it should be but by checking the charts and graphs the numbers of the birds killed by glass tower is much bigger than wind turbines. Also in reality the number of the birds who killed by wind turbine is less than 1%. Fourth they are nice to look at but work as a noise factor. In fact wind farms are not really close to the resident area and the noise will not make any problems for dweller. As a result all these people think the wind generation is a dangerous distraction and it will make more problems instead of solving any.

People with negative approach should accept that the wind energy is one of the world's fastest growing sources of energy. Factually hundreds of new wind turbines are developing from fields across the world every year. With such explosive growth the questions about what they should look like or where they must and must not be installed is meaningless. The more important thing is be concerned about our usages in the world and try to conserve our natural resources.

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